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Speaking Engagements

Tom Brannen, OnConvergence Founder, is a frequent speaker at leading industry events, including multiple conference for the Society of Communications Technology Consultants (across the US), Enterprise Connect (Orlando FL), ITExpo (Fort Lauderdale FL) and a consultant event held during Mobile World Congress (Barcelona Spain).


He has previously provided his industry insights on topics such as:


Virtual and Augmented Reality

Unified Communications - Where we are and Where we are going

Future of Communications Technology 

SD-WAN Best Practices

5G - Planning for the Future

Challenges Managing Mobility

Mass Notifications


Please email us at for more info, or call us at 770-977-9705 to discuss how we can help at your next event.


To see an example of a speaking engagement, please take a look at the video below to see Tom speaking at the Telecom Consultants Day in Barcelona, Spain. 





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